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Working-Class Womanhood

Working-class women experience a unique kind of oppression due both to their gender and class status. This website is dedicated to an examination of prevalent themes within working-class womanhood that result from the intersection of class exploitation and gender discrimination.

Climbing Plants
Wooden Window
Bicycle Shop Owner
Natural Hot Springs
Working in Cafe
Sunset Over New York City
Working Tools
Autumn Road
Sunset in the Woods

The Women of Country Music

While many thematic elements of country songs have remained, a new generation of artists have changed the narrative for women in country.

Dreams and Aspirations

The paradox of an optimistic working class marketed as static

Image by Kevin O'Connor

Bodily Inscription and Hypervisibility

The working-class is physically inscribed which serves as an invitation for others to uncover intimate details about their lives.


Working-class motherhood takes on various different forms but violence seems to be a prominent theme that appears to stem from a lack of autonomy in the lives of these women due to their working-class status.

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